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Companies whose core lies in production facilities have the opportunity to become a part of the industrial park Pobeda. It is a modern platform located in Serbia that provides all the prerequisites for a successful business. Many established and growing companies have recognized this industrial park as a place for quick and comfortable production management in Serbia. Pobeda is the perfect choice for every type of business whatever stage of production it’s at. Having in mind the flexibility and diversity of facilities available for lease, as well as the possibility of implementing dedicated solutions, we personalize our full project management service and tailor it to your business needs.


New technologies and automatization of production processes have been transforming factory work for years. This is best seen through relieving workers from repetitive tasks, improvement of efficiency, safety, quality and quantity of production, as well as reduction of expenses and risks. However, the implementation of new technologies is strategically a much bigger challenge.

The speed at which technology develops often creates confusion and resistance, but production automatization and the usage of robots lead towards the creation of smart factories and intelligent systems. Although automatization is brought in to alleviate the workers from repetitive jobs, its direct consequence is data exposure in cyberspace. In such an environment, the question of data safety becomes an absolute priority. The introduction of modern systems, therefore, brings along additional challenges related to staff expertise.


In order to ensure data safety of each computer and internal business network, it is necessary to have qualified and reliable staff. This shows us that no factory can function without workers of various profiles.

One of the possible solutions for finding these resources is turning to the local community and creating partnerships with organizations and academic institutions to methodically work on profiling the required workforce. This is especially efficient in communities with a larger population and academic institutions of various levels.


With the pandemic and competition, we realize the importance that responding to changes in the environment has for a company. In such harsh conditions, it is necessary to apply new forms of work organization, among which the agile organization has shown to be the most efficient.

The agile organization includes a modular way of production that enables prompt and easy changes, fast production, and a high level of adaptability to work needs. In addition, agile production encompasses technology as its component, and therefore it is very applicable in modern production, especially if it is on the way to transforming into a smart factory.


The supply chain has always been the link that connects the entire business and whose interruptions jeopardize it. The pandemic has shown us the extent to which this is true, especially due to dependence on raw materials that are arriving from all over the world.

Producers who have turned to using local resources of raw materials, and implemented an agile production model, have managed to adapt to the new situation, improve their business and overcome the challenges that emerged during 2020 and 2021.

In spite of the difficult period, production industries have shown a lot of strength and readiness to find better and newer solutions. Among them, there are industrial parks that provide all necessary conditions for starting and developing production, and enable easy adaptation to business challenges.

Industrial park Pobeda, located only 3 km from the center of Novi Sad, presents an ideal solution for successful production development. Various capacities enable the organization of production, storage, and administration, all in one place. More importantly, in park Pobeda you have the possibility to expand your capacities and create built-to-suit solutions tailored to your business needs.